The animated film Piece By Piece traces Pharrell’s early life as a boy growing up in Virginia Beach and follows his trajectory to a Grammy-winning songwriter, performer and producer.
Renowned soul and gospel singer Cissy Houston has died. She was part of a extraordinary musical family that included Dionne Warwick and her superstar daughter, Whitney Houston.
Many music lovers consider Ives, who died in 1954, to be the first truly great American composer. A new recording by pianist Donald Berman is a major addition to the Ives discography.
The Kansas-born, Puerto Rico-raised artist blends English language hip-hop and Latin trap seamlessly in this performance.
San Francisco software engineer Riley Walz's Bop Spotter runs the song identifier app Shazam to quietly listen in on what music passersby are listening to in the city's diverse Mission District.
KUOW's podcast 'Let the Kids Dance,' tells the story of grunge music and a forgotten chapter: the Teen Dance Ordinance.
This week, Wait Wait is live in Chicago with special guest Kara Jackson and panelists Alzo Slade, Joyelle Nicole Johnson, and Scaachi Koul
Argentina is a country notorious for unabashed expression and Ca7riel & Paco Amoroso take nothing for granted when it comes to showing up as they are.
Kristofferson, who died Sept. 28, was a Rhodes Scholar and an Army Ranger before taking a chance at songwriting. "Me and Bobby McGee" is perhaps his most famous song. Originally broadcast in 1999.
The unnamed woman claims Brooks sexually assaulted her several times while she worked for him as a makeup artist. Brooks says the woman is exploiting him for money.