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Murphy Must Pick New Lieutenant Governor

The conclusion of a three day Celebration of Life events honoring the late Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver, who’s funeral took place at The Cathedral Basilica Sacred Heart in Newark, Saturday August 11th, 2023. (Rich Hundley III/Governor’s office)
Rich Hundley III
The conclusion of a three day Celebration of Life events honoring the late Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver, who’s funeral took place at The Cathedral Basilica Sacred Heart in Newark, Saturday August 11th, 2023. (Rich Hundley III/Governor’s office)

After the untimely passing of Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver, Governor Murphy has until October 3rd to pick her replacement.

After this weekend’s services for Sheila Oliver, focus now turns to whom Governor Phil Murphy will pick to replace the second Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey. The position The position went into effect in 2006 after several Governors left office and there was a need to have an elected official stand in their place.

During services this weekend Governor Muphy said, “Back in March 2020, when the first COVID case hit New Jersey, I was recovering from an illness of my own. I had just undergone surgery, and while I was on the mend, it was Sheila Oliver who took charge as Acting Governor. “

According to the State Constitution Murphy has 45 days to appoint a Lieutenant Governor to fill the unexpired term.

Music host (Sun. 7p-10p), host of Brookdale Beat podcast, Advisor to Brookdale Student Radio & Station Manager. During some weeks he gets relief during the first hour of his shift for a Guest DJ. He’s been in radio for since 1993 and is a proud husband and father of 3.