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Stream: 90.5 The Night

Atlantic City Airport Suggested as a Location to Shelter Migrants

The airport is on a list of 11 federally owned facilities that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security sent in a letter to New York City Mayor Eric Adams of potential places to relocate some of the more than 60,000 migrants who recently arrived in New York City seeking asylum. The news has garnered a reaction from Republican state and federal lawmakers who represent Atlantic City, as well as the city’s Democratic mayor, expressing dismay and asking Governor Murphy and other leaders to reject the idea. The South Jersey Transportation Authority, which runs the Atlantic City airport, declined comment.

I’ve had my dream job of waking up with all the great listeners and members of Brookdale Public Radio since January 3, 2005. Prior to this job, I began my career in radio at NJ 101.5 FM as a producer. From there, I took time off from radio to do other things. (including becoming a mom!)